May 7, 2024 in News, News 2024

Dual Training- A New Era in the TVET Sector

Dual training focuses on improving access to training, as well as its quality and relevance and on instilling labour focused skills to youth in the TVET sector.
This has been put in place to deal with high unemployment rates in the country and the mismatch between the industry and what is taught in the institutes of higher learning.

This training model aligns with the Competence-Based Education and Training (CBET) curriculum. It also promotes collaboration between the private sector and training institutions to develop innovative solutions that better prepare trainees for the world of work.

The Jeremiah Nyagah National Polytechnic has been collaborating with various industry players in order to ensure that trainees acquire skills relevant to current industry needs.

Some of our partners include:

  • Embu food plug (formerly Chrismit hotel)
  • Izaak Walton Inn
  • Kenya School of Government
  • Metis Palace
  • Mountain Breeze Hotel
  • Mwaniki Garage
  • Rukuriri Tea Factory
  • Embewasco
  • Embu Water and Sanitation Factory amongst others

Jeremiah Nyagah National Polytechnic cordially invites applicants to pioneer in dual training in the following courses for May 2024 intake.